After 14 days of complete loss of power, a crew from Elliot (based out of Tennessee) restored our power at 4:40 pm!
As the convoy of bucket trucks were leaving our neighborhood, everyone came out to say thanks to all these hard working men and women.
Unfortunately, I can’t say the same to JCP&L and its parent First Energy. I understand that Hurricane Sandy damage was unlike any other we’ve experienced and that our 14 day power outage pales in comparison to Jersey shore residents who pretty much lost everything.
But after getting spanked for lack of accurate information from Hurricane Irene last year, you would think they had some sort of solution in place to provide semi real-time updates?
I mean come on, with slew of high tech readily available today, I don’t think it would have taken that much to create a mashed web application comprised of Google map and GPS locators. Instead, we were left with a PDF file generated from Microsoft Excel spreadsheet! That’s the kind of stuff from the early 1990’s!
Emergencies don’t happen few times a year. It happens everywhere throughout the year.
JCP&L/First Energy, hire some younger generation, forward thinking employees to move your organization forward. You would have placated lots of people if you only provided up-to-date accurate information so people were not kept in the “dark”.
Thanks again to linemen/women of JCP&L, Elliott, Ameren, PSE&G.